How are we Different?


We understand that you as an artist want to give your clients your best work! Not all methods are good for all clients.

We offer a versatile ordering experience. (Coming soon)

In our membership portal you will be able to learn some of the most innovative techniques and tricks for extension application. (Coming soon)

We will show you how you can custom pick multiple  colors for those dimensional guest.

As artists we value the power of aesthetics. We strive to create an experience that not only captivates your clients but also makes your them feel cherished. Every intricate detail we deliver to our guest with utmost care. Ensuring a truly immersive and dreamy experience, where their hair-dreams meet reality.

Potressi—a name that resonates with elegance and sophistication. Derived from the Russian word “потрясающий,” meaning stunning, our brand embodies luxury and timeless beauty.